A downloadable game for Windows

This is the game made for GMTK gamejam 2022. The topic is Roll of The Dice. 

In this game, the player needs to roll the dice to make it move and prevent the red dice cross the field to make damage, When the player's dice collide with other dice, the sum of the points of two dice will be checked. 

If the sum equals 7, the player will destroy red dice and improve the score, recover a significant HP or be invincible for a long time. Otherwise, the player may be frozen for a while, only recover a few HP or only be invincible for a short time. Those effects are influenced by the difference between the sum and 7.

It is an infinite mode game, so the players can try their best to get a high score before losing all HP.

Design, Programming, Art - Peiyu Ling

Some of the dice icons are made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com

The music is generated by an AI tool: https://www.aiva.ai/



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这是我在GMTK gamejam 2022 做的游戏。玩家需要通过移动蓝白色骰子,使得碰撞其他骰子时两骰子之和等于7,以破坏红色骰子并获得分数/回复大量HP/进入长时间无敌状态。如碰撞时两骰子点数之和不等于7,则玩家会一段时间无法移动/仅仅回复少量HP/仅获得短时间的无敌状态,这些效果受点数之和与7的差值的影响。



=7.rar 24 MB

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